


这是我总结出的一套不用硬背假名也能记住假名,并且既简单又高效的初级阶段的日语学习方法来供大家参考。声明,本人 对,所有的平假名就这么记住了。 图片来自www.kfstudio.net,更多免费素材,还提供PDF下载^_^. 日语入门第一弹日语五十音图临摹字帖(平假名+片假名) · 码农场 > 日语教程 > 日语入门 高清PDF版本下载地址:. 五十音图手写体临摹字帖(平  自学,我强烈推荐Textfugu为了学习语言瓦尼卡尼(来自同一个人)学习汉字。 以及他们的订阅服务,教写作和附加语法,词汇,以及其他可下载的pdf文件。 学习平假名和片假名有很多资源,但是如果没有教科书,我为那些自学的人找到了一些  The Hiragana attribute determines whether to distinguish between Japanese hiragana and Katakana characters. 平假名属性决定是否区分日文平假名和片假名字  如需打印出来练,需要字帖PDF下载的,可回复字帖。以上!如果你也觉得赞,那么请点赞并分享出去吧!───O(≧∇≦)O────长按熊本熊关注我们长按  (1×10) ワンリルレロナヌネノチツテト请写出下列单词平假名对应的片假名 页PDF 下载) 标准日本语+五十音图+发音版(flash 下载) 日语3 级 

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Today I reviewed TextFugu.com starting at the very beginning to where I left off at. I then began a few new lessons and stopped at combination hiragana. I had more I wanted to do today but I decided to stop because I spent 1 hour and 30 minutes on the site. I’m not sure if I should have kept going or stopped sooner. I do not want to burn out. Right now I feel motivated and am having fun with Posts Tagged ‘Textfugu’ Japanese is something that I’m learning now. Posted in Japanese, tagged Japanese, Textfugu on 06/10/2010| Leave a Comment » I’m starting to learn Japanese, today onwards. Isn’t that hip? For the past few years, I’ve convinced myself that I suck at learning anything at all. Day in, day out, it’s just pointless moping about “if only I knew this” but 12.08.2010 Posts about textfugu written by anjowu. Anjo's Weblog! Daily posts! Archive for textfugu. My progress in self-learning Posted in Uncategorized with tags japanese, koichi, motivation, textfugu, the dip on July 20, 2010 by anjowu. A summary of what I learned in Textfugu: – Mastered Hiragana and Semi-Mastered Katakana – Learned common nouns,verbs and adjectives – Learned 漢字 – When to I ran out of Textfugu today. D: Sad. I probably should have slowed down a bit. Hopefully that will be updating with regularity, though, I really like it, and will probably stick with it. I really like how the story it tells for practicing Japanese comprehension is a lot more interesting than the usual bland exchange student to Japan fare that every textbook ever tells. It surely increases Posts about Textfugu written by michaeljmoore717. These latest sections have had quite a bit of vocabulary in them. Not that I don’t want to learn Japanese vocab, but I was making quite a bit of progress, and the vocab has really just forced me to slow …



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Koichi wrote TextFugu, an online Japanese textbook with a conversational style. There he was able to apply a lot of what he had learned, and with a source of income, Tofugu hired its first employee in 2010. In 2011, Viet Hoang joined as our first developer and helped co-found WaniKani, our application for learning kanji and vocabulary. Since then, we've slowly grown our team and capability to Based on Textfugu.com. About This Blog – Giới thiệu; Blog tự học tiếng nhật ~ Based on Textfugu.com. Search: Japanese Pronunciation Using Hiragana. 30 Thứ Hai Th12 2013. Posted by Songokute in Season 1 ≈ 1 phản hồi. Thẻ. hiragana, pronunciation . Before you start reading, and before you start writing, you’re going to learn how to pronounce nearly all the “sounds Today, in TextFugu, I got a refresh on でした, which means “it was”. Also, how to combineでした and じゃあらいません to make じゃありませんでした, or “it was not”. Pretty basic stuff. Nothing new for me, but it’s good to get a refresher. … Continue reading → TextFugu says to do the first 10, but I know の and ん perfectly already. The really sad part is that while I can easily fish them out of a pool, I probably could only write less than half of them from memory. It feels extremely odd knowing I can read a character, but not write it. Coming from English, that just doesn’t make a lick of sense. But, the fact that I can quickly find the

TextFugu This is the site I have been learning Japanese from, it came to a point when I felt I must definitely help promote this site. That is why I’m doing a review on it. This wonderful site was created … Continue reading → Posted in Japanese | Tagged japanese, knowledge, koichi, lessons, site, textfugu | 1 Comment. Lesson 1 (Japanese) Posted on August 3, 2010 by Gordon. The first Textfugu.com has the current rank of 694218. Historical ranking, Analytics ID, Adsense ID, screenshots, meta tags, whois, site and server. Text fugu is hosted on Greasy Fork is available in English. 信息; 代码; 历史版本; 反馈 (0) 统计数据; TextFugu Link Fix. Gets rid of the #top at the end of links on all the lessons pages TextFugu Link Fix. Gets rid of the #top at the end of links on all the lessons pages. 安装此脚本? 询问,评论,或者举报这个脚本. 作者 Inserio 今日安装 1 总安装量 16 得分 1 0 0 版本 1.3 创建日期 2015-05-30 最近更新 2017-11-05 许可协议 不适用. 应用到. textfugu.com; I didn't like how on the lessons page, the boxes wouldn't gray-out if you Textfugu: perfect to begin with. The righ amount of grammar, vocabulary, kanji, … And just the craziness that’s necessary to make learning fun. 120$ for a lifetime account but it’s truly worth it; Gakuu: not used thoroughly at the moment but really interesting. Real Japanese, real life situations, issues and vocabulary. 99$ initially but Textfugu is not a part of this guide and that’s for a reason. I liked the motivational part at the beginning which I think is often overlooked by all the major textbooks out there (not that there is anything that beats Genki though). Learning a language requires stamina and willpower. You’re in it for the long game and not just short episodes of binge-learning (just created that word TextFugu was carefully designed with the self-teacher in mind, which means you can learn Japanese on your own more quickly and effectively than ever imagined. It also comes with the following points of excitement: A Learning Style That Works: Textbooks are usually boring. TextFugu is the online Japanese textbook that teaches you Japanese in a way that’s fun, integrates your own interests